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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What is JAVA Technology & why?

Java technology is a groundbreaking computing platform released by Sun
Microsystems in 1995. Originally called OAK, it was renamed as the Java programming language in 1995.

Java technology opens up a wealth of exciting possibilities for consumers. It enables just about any application -- including games, tools, and information programs and services -- to run on just about any computer or device. From desktop PCs to mobile handheld devices and cell phones, Java technology today is just about everywhere.

Java technology allows you to work and play in a secure computing environment.Java technology is in cell phones, automobiles, the Mars Rover, and many other places.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

JavaServer Pages[tm] and Servlets Programming Table of Contents

Abstract: This code camp will show in-depth knowledge for the latest Servlet 2.2 and JSP[tm] 1.1 technology. It will introduce JSP/Servlets in a step by step approach. Developers are expected to learn JSP/Servlets architecture and design, programming models and APIs, and runtime environment. Code camp will provide detailed explanation of code examples from various JSP/Servet application and case studies. Prerequisites: has experience in Java programing and HTML.
Outline:1. Servlets/JavaServer Pages[tm] Overview Where is Servlets/JSP in J2EE[tm] Definitions of Servlets/JSP Benefits of using Servlets/JSP over CGI JSP/Servlet Comparison First Servelt and JSP Resources
2. Introduction to Servlets Servlet Structure and Lifecycle Servlet API overview Basic Servlets Compiling and Executing Servlets. Debugging Servlets
3. Creating, Deploying and Executing Servlet/JSP[tm] Tomcat Install Configure Deploy Executing
4. Servlet Request Requests from Client, Server and Other Servlets.
5. Servlet Response Output HTTP Response HTTP Status Codes and Headers
6. Servlet SessionTracking Cookies URL_Rewritin Hidden Form Fields Session Tracking in Servlets
7. Introduction to JSP[tm] JSP Structure/How JSP works? JSP API overview Basic JSP Run JSP JSP debugging and Error Handling
8. JSP[tm] Scripting/Page Directive Types of Scritpting Elements Expressions Scriptlets Declarations Common directives Implicit objects Different Scopes and Application
9. JavaBeans[tm] Component with JSP[tm] Basic Bean Bean Properties Bean Tags Standard Action Tags Common Confusion 10. Custom JSP[tm] Tag Libraries Components Basic Tags Attributes Body Content of Tags Advanced Tags
11. Access Database Query Database Efficiently From Servlet Different JDBC[tm] Approaches Display Query Efficient Using JSP[tm] Using Servlets, JSP and JavaBeans[tm] Together
12. Case Study: Architecting JSP[tm]/Servlet Application Web Applications Architectural Approach Page centric design Servlet centric design Enterprise JavaBeans Choose an appropriate architecture Case Study: An Exam Portal